
Adding parameters to image saving POST

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More and more websites are adding cross site request forgery protections. These are embedded tokens in the HTML code that are passed via POST variable to the receiving script and help protect against cross-site forgeries. Many tools provide blanket CSRF protection (e.g., Django can enable CSRF for an entire web application with 1 configuration parameter).




Unfortunately, you can't use the "save image" function from Fusion Charts when the receiving script *must* receive this hidden token. For example, my specs documents indicate this is a requirement (often found in professional development, government development, etc).




Is there a way that you could add a configuration parameter that would allow arbitrary values be added to the "save image" POST?




As is, there is "width" "height" "bgcolor" and "data".




I would like to be able to add any variable I want via the embeded objects (in particular, though, I need "csrfmiddlewaretoken").





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