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Problems with jQuery Tabs

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when using FusionCharts in conjunction with the jQuery Tabs we have a problem in IE6+7, Firefox 2+3 works.




When the "render" function is called after "setDataURL" the tabs in our document are not doing their job anymore. Without FusionCharts everything works fine. It seems as if the "onclick" event is not triggered anymore and the default href-Value - in this case "#" - is loaded.




What is wrong ?




Best regards,



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We have created a small sample using 3 JQuery tabs. Eveyting works perfect. Please try the attached html file. Please note that you would need to provide the JQuery js and associated files in the same folder of index.html. Please also place COlumn3D.swf. column2D.swf and Pie3D.swf in Charts folder.

Hope this might help.

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The problem is not when you use normal FusionCharts in tab, but rather when you use percentage based width. In fixed with everything works fine, when when the width is given as a percentage, the chart renders the first time, but not when u go to another tab and return back.


Hope this helps in solving the bug.




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