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Integration in Flash

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I am using fusion Charts V.3




I want to load fusionchart in my flash movie. When I try out your examples in your documentation (Flash for web developers -->). I get hundrets of errors.




I starts with




**Error** Line 112: The class or interface 'com.fusioncharts.helper.FCError' could not be loaded.


throw new FCError ("Invalid Macro", "Couldn't find Macro "" + strMacro + "". Please provide a valid macro name in XML. Do remember that macros are Case-sensitive and you can only assign pre-defined macro values. See documentation for more details.", Logger.LEVEL.ERROR);






**Error** Line 113: The class or interface 'com.fusioncharts.helper.FCError' could not be loaded.


throw new FCError ("Invalid Style Name in Style Definition", "Style "" + strStyleName + "" has not been defined and as such cannot be associated with a chart object.", Logger.LEVEL.ERROR);










Even when I open your example files (e.g. myFirstChart.fla) in flash and save the file, the swf-file is not working anymore.


Path etc. should be correct.




I use Flash 8 Professionell version. Settings are Actionscript 2




Whats wrong???







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Can you please make sure that you've copied the com folder (containing all source files of FusionCharts) at the right place w.r.t your .fla?

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Hallo Palav.




It was the correct folder and path. But problem solved now. I've download the latest version 3.0.6 of fusioncharts and problem does not occur anymore.





Edited by Guest

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