
Setting chart height in code

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I am trying to set the chart 'height' parameter in code for a multi line chart container.

Using 100% results in a smaller chart than I want, yet setting specific pixels is better.

I want to be able to detect the web browser height in pixels and use a 'height' parameter based on the pixel result.

Can anybody help me with this.

My attempts have resulted in a failure to render the chart. I am a beginner with Javascript.

I have attached a sample file. 


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In your implementation, eval(document.getElementById('screenh').value) is not fetching any value, hence the chart is not getting any value for the height parameter. Please check the modified sample attached here in this response.

You can refer to any of the online materials or forums to for reference to fetch browser height, and implement accordingly. Example :





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2 hours ago, Akash Biswas said:

In your implementation, eval(document.getElementById('screenh').value) is not fetching any value, hence the chart is not getting any value for the height parameter. Please check the modified sample attached here in this response.

Many thanks, your code solved my problem.

Regards Phil

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