vicky07 Report post Posted April 15, 2019 Hi, I am using Django. I am able to succeed in the first drill-down and the linked chart is displaying the data correctly. But when I click on the data plots in the linked chart it is showing "No Data to display". I am sharing my code below. def chart1(request): dataSource = {} dataSource['chart'] = { "caption": "Regional Sales", "showValues": "0", "theme": "fusion" } dataSource['data'] = [] dataSource['linkeddata'] = [] sbc = MTD.pdobjects.all() sbc_df = sbc.to_dataframe().reset_index(drop=True)#Trying to use filtered model for dataframe sbc_df['Sales_Value']=sbc_df['Sales_Value'].astype(float) rgn_gb=sbc_df.groupby('RGN')['Sales_Value'].sum().reset_index() RGN=list(rgn_gb['RGN']) RGN_val=list(rgn_gb['Sales_Value']) sbc_gb=pandas.pivot_table(sbc_df,index=['Channel','RGN'],values=['Sales_Value'],aggfunc='sum').reset_index() vert_gb=pandas.pivot_table(sbc_df,index=['Vertical','Channel','RGN'],values=['Sales_Value'],aggfunc='sum').reset_index() for i in range(len(RGN)): data = {} data['label'] = RGN data['value'] = RGN_val data['link'] = 'newchart-json-'+ RGN dataSource['data'].append(data) linkData = {} linkData['id'] = RGN linkedchart = {} linkedchart['chart'] = { "caption" : "Channelwise Sales " + RGN , "showValues": "0", "theme": "fusion", } linkedchart['data'] = [] sbc_filtered=sbc_gb[sbc_gb.RGN == RGN] Channel_list=list(sbc_filtered['Channel']) Channel_val=list(sbc_filtered['Sales_Value']) for k in range(len(sbc_filtered)): arrDara = {} arrDara['label'] = Channel_list[k] arrDara['value'] = Channel_val[k] arrDara['link'] = 'newchart-json-'+ Channel_list[k] linkedchart['data'].append(arrDara) linkData1 = {} linkData1['id'] = Channel_list[k] linkedchart1 = {} linkedchart1['chart'] = { "caption" : "Verticalwise Sales" + Channel_list[k] , "showValues": "0", "theme": "fusion", } linkedchart1['data'] = [] sbc2_filtered=vert_gb[(vert_gb.RGN == RGN) & (vert_gb.Channel == Channel_list[k])] Vertical_list=list(sbc2_filtered['Vertical']) Vertical_val=list(sbc2_filtered['Sales_Value']) for j in range(len(sbc2_filtered)): darrDara = {} darrDara['label'] = Vertical_list[j] darrDara['value'] = Vertical_val[j] linkedchart1['data'].append(darrDara) linkData1['linkedchart'] = linkedchart1 dataSource['linkeddata'].append(linkData1) linkData['linkedchart'] = linkedchart dataSource['linkeddata'].append(linkData) column2D = FusionCharts("column2D", "ex1" , "700", "400", "chart-1", "json", dataSource) return render(request, 'table.html',{'output':column2D.render()}) I cannot figure out where I am going wrong. I believe that there is no problem with indentation. Please help me to resolve this. Thanks Vicky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akash Biswas Report post Posted April 15, 2019 Hi Vicky, In order to change the chart type for the child chart you need to use configureLink API method to set the child chart type, you can also set different chart at a different level, provided the datastructure for each chart is correct. Provide the configureLink() API method parameter as below : myChart.configureLink([ { type: 'bar2d' }, { type: 'line' }, { type: 'pie2d' } ]); Sample for reference : Thanks, Akash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites