
Getting Data Values on Y Axis

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Hi, I need to accomplish below things using Line Chart

  1. I need to display the data values on the Y Axis on Left Side (Exact data values, and not values after some gap)
  2. In some cases, I want to display only the max and min values on the left side.
  3. I need to display custom styled text view when user clicks on a data point.

Any help is appreciated.

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Hi Hemanth,


1. The values on the y-axis are representing the divisional lines(periodic) on specific intervals. You can configure the interval by setting the number of divisional lines using numDivLines attribute. Please refer to the documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/div-lines-and-grids

You can opt not to show the interval values also by setting "showYAxisValues" to "0", refer to the sample fiddle below.

Sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/reu6kj3v/2/

Please note : It is not possible to show specific y-axis values or non-periodic interval values.

2. To display a specific values on the y-axis like maximum or minimum values, you can use the trendlines feature of FusionCharts. Refer to the documentation for details :


3. You can check the supported FusionCharts API event - dataPlotClick that gets triggered on clicking the plots on the chart. Documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-events

Sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/7kumz5ve/




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