
Enable image saving while using dataXML method

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Hi everyone.


First of all, congrats for your application, it's awesome.




I'm having a problem and i think it's quite hard to resolve.


At the moment, i'm using FusionCharts to create charts for an application (it works locally, not online on the web).


Until now, the chart only show up, but i'd wish to permit the user to save as image a copy of the graph.




Well and now there is the problem.


As far as i understood, using the settings described on your manual, after the right-click on "Save as Image", the graph will reload and will be displayed as an image. is that right?




Well, is there a way to modify the FusionChartsSave file so it will prompt to the user where to save the image file?


i hope i've been quite clear




Thanks in advance

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Saving FusionCharts as image is not very hard if you are using it in Application. If you could tell us in which language you are using it, it will be very helpful for us to resolve your issue. However if it is in WinForm then you can create your own image saving function by using some API call & also using this you can also call the Saving Dialog box.

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I'm using PowerBuilder version 10.5




But things are a little more complex.


I'm not loading the graph into a web page, but i have created an OLE object inside the window and then i', passing the variables trought the script:




ole_shockwave.Object.Movie 		= ls_movie

ole_shockwave.Object.Quality 	= 1

ole_shockwave.Object.BgColor	= "#FFFFFF"

ole_shockwave.Object.FlashVars 	= "&dataXML=" + ls_xml + "&CHARTWIDTH=600&CHARTHEIGHT=400"





All the XML is loaded inside the ls_xml variable and then the animation starts.


I've tried to find and invoke a "SaveAs" function trought the script but it didn't succeded. So i thought to do that passing by the flash script.




Btw, thanks for your quick answer

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hi, i've done some more test and i've seen that no pop-up message is coming to me after the click on "Save as Image" option. So, have you got any ideas?

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