
Secondary Y axis, Decimals. How to remove?

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Hi there.




I am using the commercial version of fusion report. Im trying to suppres the secondary Y axis decimals.




Im using as follows:-




XElement chart = new XElement( "chart" );


XElement categories = new XElement ("categories");


XElement dataset = new XElement( "dataset" );


XElement dataset2 = new XElement( "dataset" );




chart.Add( new XAttribute( "PYAxisName", "RPM Peak" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "SYAxisName", "Event Count" ) );




chart.Add( new XAttribute( "decimals", "0" ) );




chart.Add( new XAttribute( "numberSuffix", " RPM " ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "formatNumberScale", "0" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "formatNumber", "0" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "labelDisplay", "WRAP" ) );




chart.Add( new XAttribute( "adjustDiv", "0" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "numDivLines", "4" ) );




chart.Add( new XAttribute( "SYAxisAdjustDiv", "1" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "SYAxisValuesDecimals", "0" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "SYAxisMinValue", "1" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "SYAxisMaxValue", "50" ) );






chart.Add( new XAttribute( "slantLabels", "1" ) );


chart.Add( new XAttribute( "xAxisName", "Date" ) );


dataset.Add( new XAttribute( "seriesName", "RPM Peak" ) );


dataset2.Add( new XAttribute( "seriesName", "Event Count" ) );


dataset2.Add( new XAttribute( "parentYAxis", "S" ) );




chart.Add( categories );


chart.Add( dataset );


chart.Add( dataset2 );






Could someone please give me some advice.








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