
Forcing SYAxis to follow PYAxis and YAxis max smaller than largest chart values

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I'm using the Stacked Column 2D Line Dual YAxis chart.




1. First of all, I can't seem to get the P and S YAxis to follow eachother, I'm using PYAxisMinValue and PYYaxisMaxValue and the same for S YAxis. But they still wont follow.




2. I would also like to give the charts YAxis a max value, which is smaller than the largest value in the chart set. So that if the Y axis max value is 5 permil, and the chart set value is 7 permil, then it will just exceed the chart, and break the top of (the last 2 permil) the chart or the line.

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1. I am afraid, you can not set PYAxisMinValue  in stacked charts.

2. If any value in a chart exceed the upper limit set by PYAxisMaxValue or SYAxisMaxValue or yAxisMaxValue, these settings would be igonored and the chart would calculate a new limit inorder display the values. I am afraid, as of now you can not make the dataplots over flow the limits.

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