HongRae Cho

TimeSeries Tooltip

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How to display a tooltip with daily values instead of start-end values when hovering over the chart?

Is there a way to display the date unit description of photo 11.png on photo 22.png?





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Hi Cho,

We would like to inform you that the FusionTime charts work on the principle of data aggregation and binning. Tooltip shows the aggregated details based on the data and the zoom level. Hence, the tooltip will show the range of dates if the plots are binned. If you set the binning to show only a single unit then tooltip will show the same, else it will show the range of dates as per binning. 

However, you can control the data binning by modifying the "binning" object under the xAxis object and specifying the multipliers for each time unit in an array format.

Please refer to this link: http://jsfiddle.net/kuLe14dv/

Here, we have set the binning to show only day level data.

Documentation link: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/fusiontime/getting-started/change-default-aggregation#change-data-binning

Hope this will help.

Srishti Jaiswal

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