
fusioncharts periodically renders incorrectly - all scruched up???

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I'm evaluating fusioncharts, but I'm noting it periodically (say one time out of 5) renders all scrunched up. See the attachment for an example. Seems to happen slightly more if doing a refresh as opposed to hitting the link for the chart on the web page (although perhaps this is no difference functionally).




The code in the web page I use is below (the code IFCode doesn't seem to be working properly]


   The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.

   < s c r ipt type="text/javascript">

       var categoriesChart = new FusionCharts("/flash/MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf", "categoriesChartId", "100%", "600", "0", "0", "FFFFFF", "noScale");



s c r i p t>


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This happens in IE when you provide dimension in %.

To overcome this you would need to render the chart(s) after the page gets loaded.

Please put all chart rendering code in window.onload event.


<s c ript type='text/java script' language='java script'>


  var categoriesChart = new FusionCharts("/flash/MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf", "categoriesChartId", "100%", "600", "0", "0", "FFFFFF", "noScale");






  t p i r c s>



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oh, I think I have it working, thanks. It does fix things. Haven't tried what happens if there are two graphs on the same page yet.




The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.

< s c r i p t type="text/javascript">

   window.onload = loadgraph

   function loadgraph() {

       var categoriesChart = new FusionCharts("/flash/MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf", "categoriesChartId", "100%", "600", "0", "0", "FFFFFF", "noScale");

       var dataUrl=escape("<%=url_str%>");







Thanks again

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