
Area color under segment

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I would like to build my chart with MSArea component. I want to place labels on X-axis for each segment (line between 2 anchors points) and specify background color for some area segments (for area under line between 2 anchors points). Is it possible? 

And i need to specify onClick and onMouseOver event for each area segment between to anchors. 

Thank you.

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For your first query, the x axis labels can be displayed in different modes like rotated, slanted, etc. but positioning the x axis labels in between two data points is not supported as of now.

Documentation: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-labels


For your second query, in Multi-series Area 2D chart, you can specify the background color for the whole dataset using "color" attribute under the "dataset" object but specifying background color for area between 2 anchors points is currently not supported.

If you want to highlight any specific data point then you can use the anchor attributes under the "data" object.

Documentation: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/common-use-cases/highlight-specific-data-points-on-chart#changing-anchor-properties-in-charts-like-line-and-area


For your third query, you can use the "dataplotClick" and "dataplotRollOver" event APIs to detect Click and Mouse Over on the anchors but there is no supported event to specify onClick and onMouseOver event for each area segment between two anchors.

Documentation Links:-



Please refer to this demo: http://jsfiddle.net/srishti_fc/4q86b9sf/


Hope this would help.

Srishti Jaiswal

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3 hours ago, Srishti Jaiswal said:


For your first query, the x axis labels can be displayed in different modes like rotated, slanted, etc. but positioning the x axis labels in between two data points is not supported as of now.

Documentation: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-labels


For your second query, in Multi-series Area 2D chart, you can specify the background color for the whole dataset using "color" attribute under the "dataset" object but specifying background color for area between 2 anchors points is currently not supported.

If you want to highlight any specific data point then you can use the anchor attributes under the "data" object.

Documentation: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/common-use-cases/highlight-specific-data-points-on-chart#changing-anchor-properties-in-charts-like-line-and-area


For your third query, you can use the "dataplotClick" and "dataplotRollOver" event APIs to detect Click and Mouse Over on the anchors but there is no supported event to specify onClick and onMouseOver event for each area segment between two anchors.

Documentation Links:-



Please refer to this demo: http://jsfiddle.net/srishti_fc/4q86b9sf/


Hope this would help.

Srishti Jaiswal

Thank you for the answer!

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