Dual Y Axix

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In FusionCharts, you can have two separate axes in a chart by using our Dual Y axis charts (https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/combination-charts#2d-dual-y-axis-combination-chart)

However, you need to specify the "parentYAxis" as "P" or "S" under the dataset object to indicate whether that dataset is using the Primary (left) or the Secondary (right) Y axis.

Hence, in your provided chart image, try specifying the parentYAxis as "S" for the Profit % measure to indicate it's using the Secondary axis.

Please refer to this demo: http://jsfiddle.net/srishti_fc/xfakcorn/


Hope this will help.



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From version 3.13.0 visualization of dual y-axis multi-series chart is changed. Now, if the data plots for both the axes are set as column, the secondary plots overlaps the primary plots.

Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/srishti_fc/xfakcorn/1/

Reference: https://docs.fusioncharts.com/archive/3.13.0/upgrading/changed-behavior#secondary-data-plots-overlap-primary-data-plots-3

Please refer to the sample and check if the second measure is using the secondary y axis or not.

Hope this will help.



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how it will be showed if both columns' value are same.

i think it must be showed as:


is this feature  available in fusionchart?

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The kind of visualization you shared in the mock up image is of overlapped column chart and the dual y axis feature is not available in overlapped column chart type.

Reference: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/overlapped-column-and-bar-charts


Also, before version 3.13.0 visualization of dual y-axis multi-series chart was like the usual multi-series chart type and not overlapped one.


Reference: https://docs.fusioncharts.com/archive/3.13.0/upgrading/changed-behavior#secondary-data-plots-overlap-primary-data-plots-3


However, there is a way to achieve the older visualization as in your shared image, by applying an extension. If you required the extension for the older visualization (without overlapping columns) please drop a mail at [email protected] explaining your query for further assistance.


Hope this will help.



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