
FusionCharts.options.license() does not exist

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I am attempting to follow the instructions listed here and upgrade to a paid version:

However, in code the definition for the FusionCharts.options object is this:

FusionCharts.FusionChartStatic.options: {
    creditLabel?: string | boolean;
    defaultTheme?: string;
    export?: {
        useCanvas?: string | boolean;
    preventTrackResize?: boolean;
    resizeTrackingInterval?: number;
    scriptBaseUri?: string;
    SVGDefinitionURL?: string;



Property 'license' does not exist on type '{ creditLabel?: string | boolean; defaultTheme?: string; export?: { useCanvas?: string | boolean; }; preventTrackResize?: boolean; resizeTrackingInterval?: number; scriptBaseUri?: string; SVGDefinitionURL?: string; }'.ts(2339)


There is no license function available to populate with the key.  I am using V3.16.0 via npm.


Am I doing something wrong here?


Thank you.

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