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Drilldown and dynamically updated map of Colorado, USA.

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I previously have built an updatable Fusion Map using a United States map. You can see it at this link:






I would like to apply the same concept using a map of Colorado, which I would update with new election results during the election night, and also change the color depending on which candidate is leading in each county. I also would like to make this a drill-down map that would allow the user to click on a county and go to another page with more detailed information. I have found in the documentation how to make a link in a drilldown, but what I cannot find is the proper xml for the counties in Colorado. I have found xml for cities in Colorado, but not counties.




I set up an html file and an xml file. The html file references the map "Maps/FCMap_Colorado.swf" as it should. I also made an xml file (which I would like to update throughout election night). I started out using the file from the MapsSource/com/fusionmaps/maps folder but it is not the right one.




At this link, you can see what I have so far:




I am looking for a Colorado file that would give me the entity ID of each county which I could then add by way of a script other text and formatting information. For example, on my USA map, each line in the xml data file looked something like this:







Is there such a file for each state or am I taking the wrong approach?




Thanks in advance for your help.




Keith Morse

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Both the links are reporting 404? Can you please fix them and send us a notification at support [at]

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That is odd that you're getting a 404. I tried it from the link in the forum post and got the same thing, but when I simply enter the url in my browser, it comes right up.

At any rate, I just remembered how to generate the xml file through the GUI. It has been 8 months since I did one of these. My mind was a little foggy.

If I have any more questions, I will post them. Thanks for your help.

Keith Morse

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