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Saving chart as an image.

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Using fusioncharts I am able to save chart as an image.




 in Chart tag ..... imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='ChartAsImage.php 


 in java script -> var chartToPrint = getChartFromId(chartId); chartToPrint.saveAsImage();




The problem is when I click on button/link to save chart as image it takes me to ChartAsImage.php .. is it possible to avoid this (making it happen in background) or in new window??




The reason I want this in background or new window is that .. when we do drill downn we pass some values using java script to another chart (which is to be updated) .. Opening in same window causes users to restart their drill down action from the beginning. I tried java script history go back -1 when the image is saved, but the charts get restarted to original values.


Is there any way (PHP/Java Script etc) to avoid this?




Please help/guide me .. and it will be highly appreciated.


Thank you.



Edited by Guest

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