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SaveAsImage raises ALL browsers onbeforeunload event

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FusionCharts 3.0.7


Flash version 9.0.124


Charts: Any I've tested.




Standard Column3D.xml config:




<chart imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='Fusion/FusionChartsSave.php' .....






With the saveAsImage method, the FusionChartsSave.php script returns the image stream as expected, but that's after the 'onbeforeunload' event is raised on all browsers. Which tears down most of my page as that event is used for that purpose.




Other observations:




- The onunload event is not raised).


- The chart's context menu (right-click) 'Save as image' does not behave this way tho.




Is there yet any way to specify the window/frame target for a 'saveAsImage' action ?

Edited by Guest

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In our code, we've not modified/used any event handlers of the DOM. As such, I'm not sure why the event is getting supressed.




I'm afraid you cannot yet specify a frame for sending image data.

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Pallav (10/31/2008)




In our code, we've not modified/used any event handlers of the DOM. As such, I'm not sure why the event is getting supressed.







It's not being 'supressed'. It's getting raised when the Chart POSTs the image to the server!

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I apologize for still not being able to understand the whole issue. Can you point me to a live URL where this is not functioning as expected?

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