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Does Multi-series Stacked Column 2D chart has scroll pane function?

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I am using Multi-series Stacked Column 2D chart V3 version. I have tried to add the numVisiblePlot in the <chart /chart> like

 <chart caption="XXX" subcaption="YYY" xAxisName="ZZZ" yAxisName="AAA" showYAxisValues="1" drawAnchors="1" showValues="0" numberSuffix="%25" formatNumberScale="0" rotateValues="0" showSum="0" slantLabels="1" labelDisplay="ROTATE" numDivLines="9" placeValuesInside="0" numVisiblePlot="8" imageSave="1" imageSaveURL="CC.php">

However, it does not work.

So I am wondering if Multi-series Stacked Column 2D chart has scroll pane function or not. Thanks

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hi, thanks, I tried the ScrollStackedColumn2D chart, but it seems it can not display multi-series chart

here is my xml, by using this xml, I got a chart with x and y and the scroll bar but no columns in the chart

<chart caption='Test for ScrollStackedColumn2D '  subcaption='5-Nov-2008'  xAxisName='Year'  yAxisName='Sales'  showYAxisValues='1'  showValues='0'  numberSuffix='%25'  formatNumberScale='0'  rotateValues='0'  showSum='0'  slantLabels='1'  labelDisplay='ROTATE'  numDivLines='9' numVisiblePlot='8'  imageSave='1'  imageSaveURL='gg.php'  ><categories  ><category label='/1'  /><category label='/2'  /><category label='/3'  /><category label='/4'  /><category label='/5'  /><category label='/6'  /><category label='/7'  /><category label='/8'  /><category label='/9'  /><category label='/10'  /><category label='/11'  /><category label='/12'  /></categories><dataset><dataset seriesName='%25Used at month begin' color='AFD8F8'  ><set  value='67.65'  /><set  value='43.32'  /><set  value='32.33'  /><set  value='56.87'  /><set  value='55.64'  /><set  value='56.66'  /><set  value='57.52'  /><set  value='63.80'  /><set  value='7.06'  /><set  value='3.98'  /><set  value='31.31'  /><set  value='0.00'  /></dataset><dataset seriesName='%25Available at month begin' color='BCF60E'  ><set  value='32.35'  /><set  value='56.68'  /><set  value='67.67'  /><set  value='43.13'  /><set  value='44.36'  /><set  value='43.34'  /><set  value='42.48'  /><set  value='36.20'  /><set  value='92.94'  /><set  value='96.02'  /><set  value='68.69'  /><set  value='100.00'  /></dataset></dataset><dataset><dataset seriesName='%25Used at month end' color='3FA2EE'  ><set  value='91.83'  /><set  value='53.79'  /><set  value='32.33'  /><set  value='56.87'  /><set  value='55.64'  /><set  value='56.66'  /><set  value='57.52'  /><set  value='63.80'  /><set  value='7.06'  /><set  value='3.98'  /><set  value='31.31'  /><set  value='0.00'  /></dataset><dataset seriesName='%25Available at month end' color='48F60E'  ><set  value='8.17'  /><set  value='46.21'  /><set  value='67.67'  /><set  value='43.13'  /><set  value='44.36'  /><set  value='43.34'  /><set  value='42.48'  /><set  value='36.20'  /><set  value='92.94'  /><set  value='96.02'  /><set  value='68.69'  /><set  value='100.00'  /></dataset></dataset></chart>

Edited by Guest

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Thanks for your reply, but that xml you provided will stack four series together, but what I want is two for this year, for for last year, so two columns per stack rather than one column. Do I make scene?




avail this avail last


used this used last

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I am afraid it is not possible in ScrollStackedColumn2D chart. But you can use Multi-series Stacked Column 2D  for this. But scroll not possible in that chart.

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