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Problem rendering toolText with FusionChartsFM

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My tooText will not show up and is not recognized in Debug mode.  Here's the querystring. What am I doing wrong?

?v=3&sep=;&chart=[chartType=Column3D;chartWidth=400;chartHeight=200]&chartParams=[caption=Milestone Status;subCaption=;shownames=1;bgColor=oooooo;canvasBorderColor=000000;canvasBgColor=000000;baseFontColor=FFFFFF;divLineColor=000000;showBarShadow=0;showColumnShadows=0;showLabels=1;hoverCapBgColor=000000; showValues =0;

;formatNumberScale=1;showValues=1;decimalPrecision=0;]&labels=Complete;Ongoing;Late;This Month;Next Month&data=9;5;0;2;0&toolText=test1;test2;test3;test4;test5;&colors=0000EE;00EE00;EE0000;FF8000;FFFF00;borderAlpha=100;

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