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Combined charts (Dual Y Axis) with high density.

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We are creating a chart (combined), with a time axis interval of 1 minute with information for a week.


We are plotting an area/bar chart for this. (for both axes.)


In the chart attributes, when we provide showPlotBorder='0' & plotGradientColor='', no charts are displayed.


But, on removal of these attributes, the charts get rendered.


Why is this so? Is there a solution to this? We require these attributes. This effect was not seen when the combined chart was rendered as a Line (renderAs='Line').





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The xml attached provides the error I was talking about.


The version used is 3.3.




Conditions to set:


SWF file used: MSCombiDY2D.swf


Chart width = 150


Chart height = 75




Issue occurs only when the renderAs is 'Bar'. When the attributes showPlotBorder='0' plotGradientColor='' are removed, then the plot will be shown.






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There are so many data in your chart that proportionately each dataelement should take 1 pixel each.

Now in a normal , each dataplot has a border along with the body. So when it turn 1 pixel the border overlaps the body. So you only see the border as dark grey.

When you set showPlotBorder='0' the border is off and the data columns are more readily visible.

But now, the gadient comes into hindrance. So when you set off the gradient using plotGradientColor='' the thin lines with proper color gets visible.

We cant help as of now, regarding this, so far, proportionately fitting each data item in the small span of the chart.

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