
Label Collisions in Scatter

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Hi Guys,

We are using the scatter Chart to display Data. If two points come to nearly same point in the chart the lables lay over each other, and it is impossible to view read them.

Is there any way that the labels get next to each other and a line points to the point?

<chart Caption=''  subCaption=''  xAxisname='NGU in TEuro' rotateValues='1'  yAxisname='DB5 dg. in TEuro'  SYAxisName='!SYAXISNAME'  UseRoundEdges='0' Palette='0'  showlegend='1'  showFCMenuItem='0'  formatNumber='1'  numberPrefix=''  numberSuffix=''  decimals='0'  forceDecimals='0'  formatNumberScale='0'  defaultNumberScale=''  numberScaleUnit=''  numberScaleValue=''  scaleRecursively='0'  maxScaleRecursion='0'  scaleSeparator=''  decimalSeparator=''  thousandSeparator=''  inDecimalSeparator=''  inThousandSeparator=''  bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF'  bgAlpha='100'  bgRatio='0'  bgAngle='0'  showBorder='0'  borderColor='000000'  borderThickness='0'  borderAlpha='100'  bgSWF=''  bgSWFAlpha='0'  showLabels='1'  showLabelsAtCenter='1'  labelDistance='20'  labelSepChar=''  enableSmartLabels='1'  smartLineColor='000000'  smartLineThickness='2'  smartLineAlpha='100'  showValues='0'  showPercentValues='0'  percentOfPrevious='0'  showToolTip='1'  showPercentInToolTip='0'  toolTipBgColor='D3D3D3'  toolTipBorderColor='808080'  toolTipSepChar=''  >


<category label='500000' x='500000'/>

<category label='366000' x='366000'/>

<category label='232000' x='232000'/>

<category label='98000' x='98000'/>


<dataset labelAsValues='1' showvalues='1' seriesName='Lorenz' renderas='Line'parentYAxis='P' drawLine='1'>

<set x='0' y='0' toolText=' ' label='' />

<set x='97845.74300000' y='68005.22720000' z='0' label='HEATING' toolText='HEATING />

<set x='116150.67800000' y='78346.76863000' z='0' label='HEATING 2' toolText='HEATING 2' />

<set x='196000.67800000' y='121711.89391000' z='0' label='MERCHANDISE' toolText='' />

<set x='277372.43800000' y='160396.10714000' z='0' label='STORAGE' toolText='STORAGE' />

<set x='387991.69300000' y='210333.83490000' z='0' label='GAS' toolText='GAS' />

<set x='445065.53651000' y='231207.35014000' z='0' label='SOLAR' toolText='SOLAR' />

<set x='445372.70349000' y='231230.12825000' z='0' label='OTHERS' toolText='OTHERS' />

<set x='445933.35949000' y='230899.06071000' z='0' label='ELECTRIC' toolText='ELECTRIC' />

<set x='445946.76109000' y='230889.16522000' z='0' label='SPARE PARTS' toolText='SPARE PARTS' />

<set x='446008.30509000' y='230542.84641000' z='0' label='RADIATORS' toolText='RADIATORS' />

<set x='550143.18009000' y='275990.88155000'  label='Not Assigned' toolText='Not Assigned' />


<trendlines><line StartValue='0' EndValue='0' DisplayValue='' color='000000' Thickness='1' isTrendzone='0' parentYAxis='P' /></trendlines></chart> 

best regards


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Hi Pallav,

will they be available in Version V4 of fusioncharts and also can i commit the time of V4 for Q2.2009 to my customer, or can this date be changed?

Thanks for support.

best regards,


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