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Updating Charts in Tab Panels

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Hi, I'm a newbie using extjs 2.0 and fusion charts 3.0




I'm trying to implement multiple charts in multiple tabs, with drop down menus which change the url of data stream to change the chart. I'm using the ux.fusion extension, i've tried posting in their forums but no luck.




I basically want to update the chart in the currently active tab. I've tried




var p = Ext.getCmp('tabs');












but no joy - can someone please help or show me an alternative way of doing this even without the ux.fusion extension




code below is abridged





       var company_datastore = new{

           proxy: new{

               url: '/loadgriddata?format=ext_json',//&comp_parent=' + comp_parent +'&period=' + period,

               method: 'GET'


           reader: new{

               root: 'test_results',

               id: 'id',

               totalProperty: 'results'

           }, [{

               name: 'id',

               mapping: 'id'

           }, {

               name: 'company_name',

               mapping: 'company_name'

           }, {

               name: 'color',

               mapping: 'color'

           }, {

               name: 'comp_failures',

               mapping: 'comp_failures'

           }, {

               name: 'test_failures',

               mapping: 'test_failures'

           }, {

               name: 'wear_failures',

               mapping: 'wear_failures'

           }, {

               name: 'seal_failures',

               mapping: 'seal_failures'


           // turn on remote sorting

           //remoteSort: true,

           sortInfo: {

               field: 'id',

               direction: "ASC"



       var company_column_model = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{

           id: 'id',

           header: "#",

           width: 20,

           dataindex: 'id',

           width: 25,

           hidden: false

       }, {

           header: 'Company Name',

           dataIndex: 'company_name',

           width: 150

       }, {

       }, {

           header: 'Comp',

           dataIndex: 'comp_failures',

           width: 100

       }, {

           header: 'test',

           dataIndex: 'test_failures',

           width: 100

       }, {

           header: 'Wear',

           dataIndex: 'wear_failures',

           width: 100

       }, {

           header: 'Seal',

           dataIndex: 'Seal_failures',

           width: 100


       Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider());


       var ds = company_datastore;

       var cm = company_column_model;

       cm.defaultSortable = true;

       var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({

           ds: ds,

           cm: cm,

           //autoSizeColumns: true,

           sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({

               singleSelect: true


           //renderTo: 'north',

           title: 'Company Results',

           id: 'gridpanel',

           width: 1000,

           height: 250,

           collapsible: true,

           stripeRows: true,

           viewConfig: {

               forceFit: true


           //height: 210,

           //split: true,

           region: 'north',

           // inline toolbars

           tbar: [{

               text: 'Period',

               menu: [{

                   text: '1',

                   checked: false,

                   group: 'period',

                   handler: function(){

                       period = 1;



               }, {

                   text: '2',

                   checked: false,

                   group: 'period',

                   handler: function(){

                       period = 2;



               }, {

                   text: '3',

                   checked: false,

                   group: 'period',

                   handler: function(){

                       period = 3;



               }, {

                   text: '4',

                   checked: false,

                   group: 'period',

                   handler: function(){

                       period = 4;



               }] // menu

           }], //text

           bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({

               pageSize: 5,

               store: ds,

               displayInfo: true,

               displayMsg: 'Record {0} - {1} of {2}',

               emptyMsg: "No records found"


           plugins: [new Ext.ux.grid.Search({

               position: 'top'



       function handleHeaderClick(aThis, aIndex, aObj){

           console.log("handling header click");

           //stateMgr.set("UserTableSortCol", aIndex); 


       function reloaddata(){


			params: {

				start: 0,

				limit: 5,

				compparent: compparent,

				period: period,




       fpanel = new Ext.ux.FusionPanel({

           //title       : 'Graphic Details',

           //collapsible : true,

           //renderTo    : 'foo',


           id: 'chartpd1',

           fusionCfg: {

               id: 'chart1'            //,listeners: {   //apply standard listeners each time the Chart is refreshed

               //      mousemove:function(){console.log(['mousemove',arguments])}

               // }


               params: {

                   flashVars: {

                       debugMode: 1,

                       lang: 'EN'




           //autoScroll : true,

           //id       : 'chartpanel',

           chartURL: '/FusionCharts/MSColumn3DLineDY.swf',

           dataURL: '/overviewdata?format=xml&company=' + company + '&period=' + period, //let the chartObj load it

           autoLoad: '/overviewdata?format=xml&company=' + company + '&period=' + period, //let Ext autoLoad do the same.

           //width     : 500,

           //height    : 200,

           region: 'center',

           listeners: {

               show: function(p){

                   if (p.floating) 

                       p.setPosition(p.x || 10, p.y || 10);


               chartload: function(p, obj){

                   console.log('chart ' + + ' loaded.')


               chartrender: function(p, obj){

                   console.log('chart ' + + ' rendered.')



           tools: [{

               id: 'gear',

               handler: function(e, t, p){



               qtip: {

                   text: 'Refresh the Chart'


           }, {

               id: 'print',

               handler: function(e, t, p){



               qtip: {

                   text: 'Print the Chart'




       comppanel = new Ext.ux.FusionPanel({

           //title       : 'Graphic Details',

           //collapsible : true,

           //renderTo    : 'foo',


           fusionCfg: {

               id: 'chart2'            //,listeners: {   //apply standard listeners each time the Chart is refreshed

               //      mousemove:function(){console.log(['mousemove',arguments])}

               // }


               params: {

                   flashVars: {

                       debugMode: 1,

                       lang: 'EN'




           chartURL: '/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf',

           dataURL: '/loadcompdata?format=xml&company=' + company + '&period=' + period, //let the chartObj load it

           autoLoad: '/loadcompdata?format=xml&company=' + company + '&period=' + period, //let Ext autoLoad do the same.

           region: 'center',

           listeners: {

               show: function(p){

                   if (p.floating) 

                       p.setPosition(p.x || 10, p.y || 10);


               chartload: function(p, obj){

                   console.log('chart ' + + ' loaded.')


               chartrender: function(p, obj){

                   console.log('chart ' + + ' rendered.')



           tools: [{

               id: 'gear',

               handler: function(e, t, p){



               qtip: {

                   text: 'Refresh the Chart'


           }, {

               id: 'print',

               handler: function(e, t, p){



               qtip: {

                   text: 'Print the Chart'





        * getTimeForURL method returns the current time

        * in a URL friendly format, so that it can be appended to

        * dataURL for effective non-caching.


       function getTimeForURL(){

           var dt = new Date();

           var strOutput = "";

           strOutput = dt.getHours() + "_" + dt.getMinutes() + "_" + dt.getSeconds() + "_" + dt.getMilliseconds();

           return strOutput;


       var chartpanel = fpanel;

       var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({

           activeTab: 0,

           region: 'center',

           id: 'tabs',

           border: false,

           items: [{

               title: 'Maint Records',

               layout: 'border',

               id: 'risk1',

               border: false,

               items: [


               }, {

               title: 'Comp',

               layout: 'border',

               id: 'comp',

               border: false,

               items: [comppanel]



       var backtestPanel = new Ext.Panel({

           layout: 'border',

           renderTo: 'foo',

           id: 'backtestpanel',

           height: 500,

           width: 1000,

           items: [grid, tabs,



       grid.on("rowdblclick", function(grid, row, e){


           window.location.href = '/test_results/' + grid.getStore().getAt(row);



           params: {

               start: 0,

               limit: 5,

               comp_parent: comp_parent,

               period: period,




<% end %>

           <%= flash[:notice] %>

       <% javascript_tag do -%>

       setTimeout(function() { new Effect.Fade("flash-message",{}); }, 2000);<% end -%>

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