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Hello all,




I am using a fusionCharts doughnut that I have embedded in another flash movie using the setXMLData() and the render() methods. These load into the parent movie nicely and the animation is smooth. What I'd like to do is find a way to "unLoad" the doughnut again which isn't as abrupt as the remove() method.




If for example (using the following for the chart container):




var chartContainer1MC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder1", 1);


I thought that progressively reducing chartContainer1MC._alpha would allow me to fade the chart out, before re-populating with something else. This works insofar as the body of the chart fades out, but all the smart labels/lines remain, simply hanging in space, until the remove() method is invoked.




Does anybody know anything about this? I am sure I have missed something simple, somewhere.




Thanks in advance,





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