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SelectScatter.swf possible bug

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I am working with SelectScatter.swf and all was going extremely well until yesterday when suddenly the chart quit posting correct data to the form. I have tried all possible combinations of chart toggles (showFormBtn, submitDataAsXML, formAction, etc.) as well as my own custom JavaScript/form alternatives. I won't provide you with my scripts or XML because there is no need. The real surprise for me is that I now get these errors on the FusionCharts website itself, on both of its scatter chart demos, SelectScatter.html and SelectScatter2.html.




I recently had some disc corruption and had to re-install IIS, but I can't imagine that that would have anything to do with getting the error on a foreign domain. It doesn't even explain the problem on my domain either. So the first answer I would like is why can't I get the correct data from your charts? Have you seen anything like this before?




I am using the script I borrowed from this site, invoking getChartFromId.




Please help. I was so close to a solution and now I am stuck.









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Update to my last post




So I realize now that I did have this working and I realize how. It has nothing to do with the code but instead user action. When I select an area on the scatter chart, then right click to drag it, then drag it, right click to resize it, then resize it, after all this I am able to submit the form and get the correct data.




So my updated question is, when will this be fixed and what is the workaround until it is fixed?





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Hi David,




I'm sorry but I couldn't reproduce the error. Can you please list the exact steps that I would need to take to make this happen?

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