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I created a Column 2 D + Line Dual Y. However, both PYAxis and SYaxis has 2 decimal places. I just the SYaxis to be in 2 decimals format. Can you help me?





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graph anchorBgColor='F5F4EF' BgColor='E6E6E6' hovercapbg='FFECAA' xaxisname='Month' yaxisname='Rate' PYAxisName='# of Disputes' SYAxisName='Legitimate Rate' canvasBgColor='FAF9F4' canvasBaseColor='CCCCCC' canvasBorderThickness='1' hovercapbg='FFFFFF' hovercapborder='F47E00' rotateNames='0' PYAxisMinValue='0' PYAxisMaxValue='10' SYAxisMinValue='0' SYAxisMaxValue='100' SYnumberSuffix='%25' numdivlines='9' divLineColor='C8D5E4' divLineAlpha='80' decimalPrecision='2' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridAlpha='30' AlternateHGridColor='CCCCCC' caption='Monthly Legitimate Dispute Rate' subcaption='Comparison Graph'

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I am afraid FusionCharts Free does not support the feature you are looking for, as of now. :)




If you wish to avail this feature kindly try using FusionCharts 3.1.1 which supports this.




You can download the same with the help of the following link:


Trial Download :


Licensed Download :




The trial version is free for your Evaluation without having any time bindings or feature limitations, save, a watermark on the charts.




Hope this helps. :)

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