mysky Report post Posted April 2, 2009 Hello, I have using MSline.swf and have it working fine. The problem is: I have one value that is over 500k and the other values are very small. I would like the chart to only go up to 300k letting that line of course go above the chart cut off. I have tried the below with NO LUCK. The chart is worthless if I can not make the compersions smaller because you cannot see most of the lines due to the one value of 500k. Please help? Thank you yAxisMinValue="300000" SYAxisMaxValue ="300000" PYAxisMaxValue = "300000" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dhruva Report post Posted April 3, 2009 Hello mysky, Could you please attach the XML you're working with so that we can have a look and try to figure out what the issue might be? Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mysky Report post Posted April 8, 2009 Thank you for your help!!! Please let me know what I need to do to make the max work? <chart caption="APPLICATION OUTAGE" subcaption="if application is not listed below it was up 100%" lineThickness="2" showValues="0" formatNumberScale="0" anchorRadius="2" divLineAlpha="20" divLineColor="CC3300" divLineIsDashed="1" showAlternateHGridColor="1" alternateHGridAlpha="5" alternateHGridColor="CC3300" shadowAlpha="40" labelStep="2" numvdivlines="5" chartRightMargin="35" numberSuffix="" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAngle="270" bgAlpha="10,10" yAxisMinValue="2000" SYAxisMaxValue ="100000" PYAxisMaxValue = "10" labelDisplay='ROTATE' rotateValues ="1" showBorder ="0" > <categories> <category label="8/6/2006" /> <category label="8/7/2006" /> <category label="8/8/2006" /> <category label="8/9/2006" /> <category label="8/10/2006" /> <category label="8/11/2006" /> <category label="8/12/2006" /> </categories> <dataset seriesName="Offline Marketing" color="1D8BD1" anchorBorderColor="1D8BD1" anchorBgColor="1D8BD1"> <set value="1327" /> <set value="1826" /> <set value="500000" /> <set value="1511" /> <set value="1904" /> <set value="1957" /> <set value="1296" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Search" color="F1683C" anchorBorderColor="F1683C" anchorBgColor="F1683C"> <set value="2042" /> <set value="3210" /> <set value="2994" /> <set value="3115" /> <set value="2844" /> <set value="3576" /> <set value="1862" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="Paid Search" color="2AD62A" anchorBorderColor="2AD62A" anchorBgColor="2AD62A"> <set value="850" /> <set value="1010" /> <set value="1116" /> <set value="1234" /> <set value="1210" /> <set value="1054" /> <set value="802" /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName="From Mail" color="DBDC25" anchorBorderColor="DBDC25" anchorBgColor="DBDC25"> <set value="541" /> <set value="781" /> <set value="920" /> <set value="754" /> <set value="840" /> <set value="893" /> <set value="451" /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name="CaptionFont" type="font" size="12" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="CAPTION" styles="CaptionFont" /> <apply toObject="SUBCAPTION" styles="CaptionFont" /> </application> </styles> </chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pallav Report post Posted April 9, 2009 Hi, I'm afraid you cannot clip the values, as FusionCharts axis is a contain-all axis. However, you may use the logarithmic axis charts from our PowerCharts suite which distributes the sudden spikes in data more evenly (owing to log axis). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angie Report post Posted January 19, 2011 Dear User, We are delighted to announce that PowerCharts is now ready for your iPads and iPhones too. We have just released PowerCharts v3.2. Starting v3.2, PowerCharts has HighCharts embedded within it, and offers both Flash and JavaScript (HTML5) charting . The Flash charts are displayed on a majority of devices and the JavaScript charts on devices that do not support Flash, all of it without writing a line of code. Automatic rendering of JavaScript charts on devices (like iPad and iPhone) where Flash player is not supported. 5 new chart types: Heat Map Chart Box and Whisker Chart Step Line Chart Error Line Chart Error Scatter Chart * Support for JSON data format. * Support for LinkedCharts, where a single data source controls multiple charts. * Interactive legends in charts allow selective showing/hiding of data series. * Legends now support icons for each data series. * Better management of labels on charts. * Labels now have an auto rendering mode to prevent them from overlapping, the chart selects the best display mode depending on the length of the labels and the width of the chart. * Long labels are truncated, with ellipses appended to the truncated end of each label, and a tooltip bearing the completed label text is displayed when the user hovers over a truncated label. * Support for line breaks and wrapping in all text elements including: caption, sub caption, X-axis title, Y-axis title, Labels and tooltips. * In Line charts, data values can now be positioned either above or below the dataplots. Automatic positioning of data values is also supported. * In Step-line charts dataplots can be joined using vertical lines. * Custom alignment of caption and sub caption using STYLES. * Advanced print management using JavaScript. * Additional options for efficient event handling using JavaScript. * Support for dynamic update of chart properties using JavaScript(barring select scatter and drag charts). * Charts now support % based sizes along with dynamic resizing (barring select scatter and drag charts). Learn more about everything new in PowerCharts v3.2 at : http:/ We would love to hear from you at: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites