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is it possible to specify value position element?

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I just wondering if there is any way adjust chart vertical value position in column 2d chart.

because if some dataplot value is so small value is printed over the dataplot label so that hardly readable.

so I'd like print value into top of outside of dataplot when it's value is small.


and I also looked at column 2d chart API <set> elements and can't find any option.

is there any options that I missed or is there any other solution to solve this problem?


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thanks for replay but in this example.

var str = '<chart palette="2" forceDecimals="1" decimals="1" useRoundEdges="1" baseFont="arial" yAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMaxValue="100" numDivLines="1" chartBottomMargin="1" bgColor="#ffffff" placeValuesInside="0" baseFontSize="11" borderColor="#ffffff"><set label="aaaaa" value="40.6" color="#88BF60" placeValuesInside="0" /><set label="bbbbb" value="0" color="#88BF60" placeValuesInside="0"  /><set label="ccccc" value="10" color="#88BF60" placeValuesInside="0" /></chart>';

 var chart1 = new FusionCharts("./Column2D.swf","chart1Id_mag","400","55","0","0"); 



there seems to be enough space to print value between topmagin and top of columns but still problem occur which is value and label are overlapped.

I have to set chart height less than 55 pixel to show all chart in one web page for a reason.

is there any way to solve this problem?



Edited by Guest

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Please try this XML:


<chart labelPadding="-2" palette="2" forceDecimals="1" decimals="1" useRoundEdges="1" baseFont="arial" baseFontSize="10" yAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMaxValue="100" numDivLines="1" chartLeftMargin="0" chartRightMargin="5" chartTopMargin="5" chartBottomMargin="1" bgColor="ffffff" placeValuesInside="0" baseFontSize="11" borderColor="ffffff"><set label="aaaaa" value="40.6" color="88BF60" placeValuesInside="0" /><set label="bbbbb" value="0" color="88BF60"  /><set label="ccccc" value="10" color="88BF60" placeValuesInside="0" /></chart>

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