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help!!Animated not from Zero

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I use fushion chart to display chart, but i want to display the animation to show the next data based on the current data not from the zero value. Is it possible?How can I do that?

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Hi, i've got another problem;

i use left frame for navigation menu built with javascript and my graphic in in main frame,

but the graphic is alwyas on the top, i try tu use the paramater:

<param name="WMode" value="Transparent"> as direction but somehow i just doesn't work.

can you help me?

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<param name="WMode" value="Transparent"> ...<embed wmode="transparent"../>


<param name="WMode" value="opaque"> ...<embed wmode="opaque"../>

Would help you make the chart element ready to be placed below any HTML element like DIV.

But you would need to specify the z-index an dposition CSS of the chart as well as the elemetn which is to be placed top.

say for chart,

position:absolute; z-index:0;

and for another element:

position:absolute; z-index:1;

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