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FusionCharts cannot be resolved to a type

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I am getting this error "FusionCharts cannot be resolved to a type" when I am using the following code in my JSP.




script language = "Javascript" src = "Files/FusionCharts.js">




div id="TowHourTest">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.


script type="text/javascript">


var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/FI2_RT_Bulb.swf", "TwoHrTst", "200", "200", "0", "0");







Edited by Guest

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Please make sure you are not using any script tag which is suppsed to run at server side but where you might have put client side code.

Please note that the new FusionCharts(...) would run as client side JavaScript and not server side java.

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Please check that FusionCharts.js is present in the appropriate directory.

You have included Files/FusionCharts.js - please veriy in this path.

Also, I notice that the swf file has been referred from Charts directory. Please verify both these paths.

Edited by Guest

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