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how can i format number as 2009-5-20?

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Actually, i would like to make a bar chart like this:


The date values are about left host's last update time. It just want to show which is updated before 5 days. The values are just like '20090510', But i don't know how to format it.

Edited by Guest

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Could you please attach the XML you are working with, so that we may have a look?

In either case, I suggest you could turn off y axis values display, and replace the same with trendlines.

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Thank you,

My xml data like this:

<chart showValues="0" setAdaptiveYMin="1" bgAlpha="0">

  <set label="ads_octopus" value="20090510" />




Could you tell me how to turn off y-axis, and replace the same with trendlines. sorry, i don't konw what's 'trendlines', you mean replace it by other y-axis?

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