havey Report post Posted May 20, 2009 It seems that no matter what values or attributes i use in the xml, the graphs always add white space to teh bottom of the chart. is this solvable? how does on get rid of the white space at the bottom? XML: <script>function RenderChart15(){var so = new SWFObject("Charts/MSCombi2D.swf", "Chart_", "370", "320", "6.0.65", "#FFFFFF"); var xmlData = " <chart labelPadding='4' canvasPadding='0' xAxisValuesPadding='5' chartTopMargin='5' chartLeftMargin='45' showYAxisValues='1' chartRightMargin='45' caption='Sodium' lineThickness='3' showShadow='1' yAxisMaxValue='-8000.00' plotGradientColor='' palette='1' rotateNames='1' areaOverColumns='0' showLegend='0' borderColor='999999' borderThickness='2' showBorder='1' bgRatio='20' bgAngle='90' bgColor='999999,FFFFFF' canvasBorderThickness='1' showvalues='1' seriesNameInToolTip='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF' anchorRadius='5' adjustDiv='' placeValuesInside='0' divLineAlpha='0' lineAlpha='0' slantLabels='1' formatNumberScale='0' decimals='1' forceDecimals='0' anchorAlpha='100' anchorBgAlpha='100' anchorBorderThickness='1' anchorBorderColor='666666' baseFontColor='000000' baseFontSize='10' baseFont='arial'> <categories> <category label='9/20/2006'/><category label='3/19/2007'/><category label='5/9/2008'/></categories> <dataset color='E55B1C' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='high risk' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' plotBorderColor='FFFFFF' plotBorderThickness='1' showPlotBorder='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'> <set value='-8000.00' /> <set value='-8000.00' /> <set value='-8000.00' /> </dataset> <dataset color='FEDF07' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='moderate risk' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' plotBorderThickness='1' plotBorderColor='FFFFFF' showPlotBorder='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'> <set value='-5000.00' /> <set value='-5000.00' /> <set value='-5000.00' /> </dataset> <dataset color='7CC156' seriesNameInToolTip='1' seriesName='low risk' renderAs='Area' parentYAxis='S' plotBorderThickness='1' plotBorderColor='FFFFFF' showPlotBorder='1' anchorBgColor='FFFFFF'> <set value='-2400' /> <set value='-2400' /> <set value='-2400' /> </dataset> <dataset color='000000' renderAs='Line'><set value='-'/> <set value='-2700'/><set value='-3000'/> </dataset> <styles><definition><style name='myAnim' type='animation' param='_alpha' start='0' duration='1' /></definition></styles></chart>"; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rajroop Report post Posted May 22, 2009 Hello Havey, In the XML you have used yAxisMaxValue='-8000.00' Could you replace that with yAxisMinValue='-8000' and try again? Similarly, set the yAxisMinValue for the first chart. I hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saptarshi Report post Posted May 22, 2009 Hello Havey, Great to know it worked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites