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Rahul Kumar


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I read the post by MilesD, but i did not get a resoultion from your reply to him.

His issue may be different, i am not sure.  So here is my issue.

I am using the VB control (1.0), which is based on 3.07.

I am using 1 control on a form and i refresh it based on the settings and chart they select.  I do this by building the XML and then giving the XML to the control using your setDataXML property.

here is the code:

FusionCharts1.setDataXML = f_workpapers.GraphXML

FusionCharts1.chartType = f_workpapers.chartType

It works great, but it keeps appending the data and not clearing the chart. 


f_workpapers.GraphXML returns a string that contains the xml for the chart. 

f_workpapers.chartType returns 12 in this case, because i am generating a Multi-series line chart.

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Could you please change your chart type first then use setDataXML property to set XML data to the chart?




FusionCharts1.chartType = f_workpapers.chartType
FusionCharts1.setDataXML = f_workpapers.GraphXML


FusionCharts1.setDataXML = f_workpapers.GraphXML


FusionCharts1.chartType = f_workpapers.chartType

Please let us know if you have further query.

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