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Greying out HTML Page on AJAX Postback

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I am greying out the page on an ajax postback to avoid excessive clicking.  Some reports pages can take a few seconds.

When I do this the Fusion report *will not* go behind the css Grey screen I put over the entire page.  Everything else on the page works okay.  But no matter how much i increase the z-index the fusion chart will not go behind the grey div I set over the entire page to deactivate it.

Is there a way to do this?

Your help is tremendously appreciated!:)


PS I wasn't sure if this was the proper forum.. hope it is since i am dealing with

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If anyone is facing issues like these still, all you need to set first is the WMODE of the chart setting Transparent parameter.




If you are using ASP.NET Wrapper class you can do using RenderChart() or RenderChartHTML() function's transparent parameter.




Please see




If you are not using these functions you can also manually add WMODE parameter that would set as 'transparent' in OBJECT and EMBED - HTML tags.

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