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Customise Saving as PDF

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We are looking into the Batch export of a couple of graphs. I was wondering if anyone could confirm if Fusion Charts has the following options:




1. If we are displaying 5 graphs and do a batch export, does the PDF save each graph on a new page? Or does it simply save all of them in any order?




2. Is there away to customise the PDF document produced, so that we can put in headers and footers, change margins etc?




Thanks in advance for your help,





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1. The charts are placed sequentially on a PDF in the same order that they appear on the page or the order they are specified in the HTML. Now depending on your PDF reader, if there are a large number of charts, this can take up more than one page.




2. There are no set ways of adding customization features (such as headers footers, etc) to the generated PDF in FusionCharts. But this can be done by making changes to the source files if you own an enterprise license.




Hope this helps. :)

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