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Using FusionCharts to produce PDF/Word documents

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I want to automate the creation of a Report in either WORD or PDF which contains a mixture of Text, Images and Charts.




All the data for the Report is held in a MYSQL database.




I have looked at the JSP and DreamWeaver options and have also looked at the FusionChart for VB implementation.




Are there any good examples which use document templates to achieve this.




I will also be using the PowerCharts software to make use of Spider Charts.

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As of now, what we can provide is a mechanism to build a PDF from a chart. That too, the chart would be exported as an image which would be put in a page in PDF. The page would have the same size as the chart itself. Our code is not helpig to add the chart in  an existing PDF or existing region in a PDF or to compile text, image etc. contents in a PDF. For this you would need to export the chart as image, save in space in server and use some other thrid party PDF creating utility to build the full PDF containg the text contents, your images and chart images.

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