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label rotation

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hi all

i have problem of overlapping x-axis lablels. if i uses <graph rotateName='1'> , it rotate the lable by 90 degree. i wants to rotate it by 45 degree. Please help me

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Welcome to the forum. :)




Could you please try setting the slantLabel attribute in the chart element to one?




This can be done as shown below:




<chart ...slantLabels='1' ...>




Hope this helps.

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saptarshi (6/15/2009)




Welcome to the forum. :)




Could you please try setting the slantLabel attribute in the chart element to one?




This can be done as shown below:




<chart ...slantLabels='1' ...>




Hope this helps.




I am facing a problem with my slantLabels as well. I am using FusionCharts with PHP Class.




$FC = new FusionCharts("MSColumn3D","1200","520");

	$strParam="caption=Average Resolution Times;subcaption=Showing Stats Between $startdate and $enddate;xAxisName=Products;YAxisName=Time(Hours);numberPrefix=;sNumberSuffix=;slantLabels=1;";





However, it simply ignores slantLabels=1. If I use rotateNames=1, it rotates by 90 Degrees. Please Help.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


I am facing a problem with my slantLabels as well. I am using FusionCharts with PHP Class.

$FC = new FusionCharts("MSColumn3D","1200","520");

  $strParam="caption=Average Resolution Times;subcaption=Showing Stats Between $startdate and $enddate;xAxisName=Products;YAxisName=Time(Hours);numberPrefix=;sNumberSuffix=;slantLabels=1;";


However, it simply ignores slantLabels=1. If I use rotateNames=1, it rotates by 90 Degrees. Please Help.

Please try setting labelDisplay='Rotate' and slantLabels='1' in the <chart> element.

Hope this helps. :)

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