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Tool tip gets chopped off

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I'm using tool tips quite extensively on a 2D single series line chart to allow its user to provide explanations of values. It's working nicely, except that sometimes -- if there's quite a lot of text in a tool tip -- the tool tip box can get chopped off at one end, making some of the text unreadable.




It seems to me that the app tries to center the tool tip above the anchor if there's space. If there's not, it seems to 'fly' the tool tip either off to the left or the right of the anchor, depending on whether the anchor is towards the right or the left of the chart.




I've read in the documentation that a tool tip is supposed to automatically wrap if the text is too long to fit in one line -- but for me that doesn't seem to be happening.




Any thoughts please? Screen shot attached showing a tool tip missing its left hand side (where it should read 89%). The tool tip you can see is generated by hovering over 20th May.













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i had same problem but then i used wordwrap function in php in which you just specify the width and line break char like




((wordwrap($name,30," ")) // cut new line char




this worked great for me ... might be helpful to you till you upgrade version :)




Thanks & Regards,



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Guest Rajroop

We have high regards for your suggestion.


They are much appreciated. We have made a note of it. :)

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Thanks Saptarshi for your reply (and Heena for your suggestion).




I've switched on the debug mode. Thanks for telling me about that, it will be useful. It told me I have version 3.0.3 of FusionCharts, and on checking with the upgrade page I see that we're now at 3.1.




So I downloaded the upgrade and replaced all the .swf chart files on my server. But... When I again re-ran the debug mode, it still showed me with version 3.0.3. I'd expected it to show 3.1.




Any thoughts please?




Kind regards





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Guest Rajroop





Could you please try uploading the SWF files once again?




Also, could you make sure the file size of the uploaded SWFs exactly the same.




Please remember to clear your browser cache too.




I hope this helps. :)

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Aha. Thanks Rajroop.




It was indeed a browser cache problem. I've emptied it and all is working as it ought to be.




Wonderful, and great support from you guys.




Kind regards





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