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Guest Rajroop

FusionCharts V3 Demo save as Image or PDF?

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I try actually de Demo version of FusionCharts V3. With rigth-click, i can choose save as PDF/JPEG, after capturing, i don't have any dialog to save it on my Desktop for example. How can i save this image on my computer?




Thank you very much for your answer

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Guest Rajroop





FusionCharts is rendered on the client side using Adobe Flash Player. Essentially, FusionCharts is a set of .swf files, which when requested by the users, downloads on his/her machine, reads the XML data and then plots the chart.




Owing to limitation of Flash Player itself, which doesnt allow saving the end output of the chart as image, FusionCharts too is bounded by the same limitations. As such, you cannot directly save the charts as bitmap/image/PDF.




Indirect ways of saving chart image are:




- You can third party tools like to take one-click screenshots of the generated charts and then use it.


- You can use PDF Print drivers like to save the chart as PDF (by capturing it from Print Stream of your Operating System).




As for exporting, there are certain steps involved which you can find in the documentation at -> Exporting as Image/PDF




I hope this helps. :)

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Thanks for Your answers,




I post my questions because i'm reading the documentation: -> Exporting as Image/PDF -> Setting for multiple charts: with export component. but it not display by me.




I will try pdf995 to save the chart.




Best regards

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FusionCharts allows you to export chart as image or PDF.

Could you please visit to see how you can export to PDF?

You can also download the code from :

Please make sure of the following:

1. You have Flash Player 10 installed . * This is required

2. You are using the latest version of FusionCharts (i.e. v3.1.1 - please update from

3. Also you would need to set the Flash Player global security settings on of you are running the application from a local file system:Please read

Hope this helps and you need not use any thried party tool to export only the chart as PDF.

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