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Dynamic XML

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I am new to fusion charts. I use coldfusion to gather data and then output to fusion charts.

In looking over the documentation and examples, it seems the xml data all seem to be hardcoded ? Is there a way to dynamically generate all those values ?

Instead of <category label= "name 1">, twelve times, etc., can I dyanicamlly do it with CF as <category label="#qryName.variable#">, so that it will give me twelve different names for the x axis ?

Same question for the <set value="701">, can it be <set value="#qryName.value#">, dynamicaly pluggin in the value ?

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Guest Rajroop

Hello :),




FusionCharts necessarily needs its data in pre-defined XML format. FusionCharts cannot read any other format apart from XML.


So, we need to convert this data into XML.




However, you can give a dynamic data source. Please refer to the following documentation page:




For further information, please visit the link and refer to the Using With ColdFusion section on the Left Hand Menu panel.




I hope this helps. :)

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