FusionCharts Support

External XML

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I'm brand new to Fusion Charts, and I'm trying to get MyFirstChart working with an external XML doc, rather than what's hardcoded in Flash. This will be for a standalone desktop application, so it will not be run through a web browser.




I got the chart operational as a Multi-Series 3DChart with this hardcoded:




var strXML:String = "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

strXML = strXML + "";

//FusionCharts chart classes accept XML data as XML Object

//and not XML String.

//So, if you've an XML string, first create an XML object from it

//and then pass to the chart. We do the same.

var xmlData:XML = new XML(strXML);

// --------------------------------------------------- //

// -------------- Actual Code to create the chart ------------//

//To create a chart, you first need to create an empty movie clip to act as chart holder.

var chartContainerMC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder",1);

//Now, instantiate the chart using Constructor function of the chart.

var myFirstChart:MSColumn3DChart = new MSColumn3DChart(mc_chartHolder, 1, 645, 436, 0, 0, false, "EN", "noScale");

//Convey the XML data to chart.


//Draw the chart







Sorry to bug you guys with something so basic, but I am stuck stuck stuck. So how do I adjust the actionscript to access an external XML?

Edited by Guest

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Can try with the following code?


#include "com/fusioncharts/includes/LoadingFunctions.as"


#include "com/fusioncharts/includes/AppMessages.as"


import com.fusioncharts.core.charts.Column2DChart;

var xmlData:XML = new XML();



var chartContainerMC:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("ChartHolder",1);

var myFirstChart:Column2DChart = new Column2DChart(chartContainerMC, 1, 450, 225, 20, 0, false, "EN", "noScale");







1. import classes required for chart

2. Create XML object

3. use XML.load() to load XML from external file

4. **IMPORTANT** create .onLoad event listner which would be called when the XML is completly loaded

5. Render the chart once the XML is Loaded

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