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Robert Steiner

Export as image/pdf with IE 8

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I am using fusioncharts version 3.1 with flash player 10 on windows vista. I am trying with the callback.html (client side exporting). It does export the chart, also save button appears. But if I click on save button there is no popup (which asks us where to save the chart). It works fine with firefox 3.5 in the same machine.




Any idea what is the problem here?

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Could you please make sure you are using the latest updated version of FusionCharts?




Also, if you are testing the code on your local machine, could you please make sure the Flash Player Global Security Settings is enabled?




This is how it can be done:




Hope this helps. :) Please let us know if this helped?

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1) I am using Version: 3.1.0.


2) I am not running it locally, I am accessing through apache server.




also with IE version 8.0.6001.18702 its working fine in XP and Vista.


It seems there is a problem from 8.0.6001.18783 and onwards.

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