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Bell shaped chart??

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I'm pretty new to fusion charts, and I was wondering if is there any way to use a bell shapped chat to display a comparison beween age, sex, and a value related to each sex and age, with horizontal bars of different lenghts depending on the value.


Edit: Something like the ones on this website (nothing to do with my project)

Edited by Guest

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anyway, are you guys thinking of adding it to Fusion Charts??

Our project is due Jan '08, and we still have time to look for other solutions, or simply use the 3D Stacked Bar.

Thanks again!!

Edit, not a great solution, but can be ok

-- data.xml --

<chart palette="2" caption="Comparaci

Edited by Guest

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I have successfully used the Stacked Column 3D chart but I have one more requirement. I want to place all the bars in ascending order so that i can easily compare one bar's data with another. It can give me an idea of Median as well.

So, is there any command to sort the Stacked Column 3D bars in ascending or descending order?? I dont want to do it while making my XML, I want to do it through the Fusion Chart Functionality (if exists).







  On 7/10/2007 at 2:06 AM, Pallav said:

Currently, we do not have a bell shaped curve.

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Hi Hammad,


I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support the display of the chart in any specific patterns.


FusionCharts is a data-visualization component. It just displays the data in the way it is mentioned in the XML.


In case you wish to show the data in the ascending/descending order, you would need to shuffle the <set> elements in the XML in your desired way.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks for your reply Sanjukta,


Actually I was reluctant to change my XML generation code.



Thanks Again,







  On 11/18/2010 at 5:19 AM, Sanjukta Mukherjee said:

Hi Hammad,


I am afraid, FusionCharts natively does not support the display of the chart in any specific patterns.


FusionCharts is a data-visualization component. It just displays the data in the way it is mentioned in the XML.


In case you wish to show the data in the ascending/descending order, you would need to shuffle the <set> elements in the XML in your desired way.


Hope this helps. :(

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