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problem with xy scatter plot chart y-axis decimal values

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Hi... having this problem. (using free version)




My y-axis values keep coming out very ugly... 29.000003, etc.... just way too many decimals.




decimals="0" adjustDiv="0" yAxisValueDecimals="0" numberSuffix="%" xAxisMaxValue="335" xAxisMinValue="213" yAxisMaxValue="33" yAxisMinValue="14" numDivLines="5" xAxisName="2009" anchorBgColor="#41A317">




Regardless of my decimals or yAxisDecimals attribute, it does not listen. I'm trying to come up with a scheme that leaves no decimals on the y-axis.

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Realize that this may be in the wrong forum... needs to be in the free forum. Feel free to move. If it is any consolation, I am going to be paying for the product soon.

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Guest Rajroop


Could you please use decimalPrecision='0' in your <graph> element and try again?

This attribute sets the number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart would be rounded to.

I hope this helps. :hehe:

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Still have the decimal problem:




chart yAxisValuesPadding="15" animation="0" canvasLeftMargin="25" showBorder="1"




borderThickness="0" borderAlpha="0" baseFontColor="d6d6d6" caption="" numberPrefix=""




showValues="0" canvasBgColor="000000" canvasBgAlpha="10" canvasBorderColor="3c3c3c"




canvasPadding="55" canvasBorderThickness="2" canvasBorderAlpha="0" bgAlpha="0,0"




showAlternateHGridColor="0" showVLineLabelBorder="0" chartTopMargin="0"




chartRightMargin="3" chartBottomMargin="20" chartLeftMargin="0" plotGradientColor="FFFFFF"




plotFillColor="000000" plotFillAlpha="25" plotBorderThickness="2" plotBorderColor="ededed"




toolTipBgColor="181818" toolTipSepChar="-" divLineColor="3c3c3c" divLineThickness="2"




divLineAlpha="0" showZeroPlane="0" formatNumber="0" formatNumberScale="0"




yAxisName="Body Fat %" decimals="0" adjustDiv="0" decimalPrecision="0"




yAxisValueDecimals="0" numberSuffix="%" xAxisMaxValue="335" xAxisMinValue="213"




yAxisMaxValue="17" yAxisMinValue="13" numDivLines="5" xAxisName="2009"












Tried... still no change. I'm getting up to 13 decimal points.




For what it is worth... I do want my anchors to have decimal values to two places... just none on the y-axis display, however.

Edited by Guest

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Hello Derek,




Could you please confirm which version of the chart you are using?




Are you using FusionCharts v3.1?




To know you version number, just set the enableDebugMode flag to 1 as follows:




<script type="text/javascript">


var chart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/MSCombiDY2D.swf", "ChartId", "600", "300", "1", "0");










Now when you run the HTML you will see this message:




Info: Chart loaded and initialized.


Initial Width: 600


Initial Height: 300


Scale Mode: noScale


Debug Mode: Yes


Application Message Language: EN


Version: 3.1.1




Waiting for your reply.

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Here you go... version 3.1.1




Info: Chart loaded and initialized.


Initial Width: 550


Initial Height: 275


Scale Mode: noScale


Debug Mode: Yes


Application Message Language: EN


Version: 3.1.1


Chart Type: 2D Scatter Chart

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Guest Rajroop


Could you please send us your entire XML so that we can test it on our side, and get back to you?

Looking forward to your reply. :)

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your code tag didn't seem to be working....




Attached is the XML file that results in y-axis scale values with lots of decimal points.


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Guest Madhumita

Hi Derek,


The problem you were facing was due to the y-axis max and min values. Could you please consider changing the max value to 259. There were some errors in the XML as well. We have made the necessary changes.

Please refer to the attached sample XML for this.

Hope this helps you.


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Thanks for the response...




I do not understand why you set the y max value to 259.




What was wrong with 255? I dynamically generate the charts, so I would need to know this if it represents a fix.




Some of the tags you saw in there are placeholders -- my script replaces them with valid XML.


(to my knowledge, though, those tags don't cause errors)

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


In case your XML is generated dynamically, I am afraid, FusionCharts would not support the same.

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