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Issue in Licensing fusion chats

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i got license of fusion charts and i hosted in web site

in intranet its chats are displaying good that means not showing fusions licese name on top

but in internet its showing Name on the top of the chart ..

Can any body help me what is the issue?

Thanks in advance..


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Hello Ranga,






Could you please make sure you have downloaded the licensed SWFs from and replaced all the Evaluation SWF files with the new SWFs?




Since your charts are showing watermarks then there must be the old evaluation SWFs somewhere which they are using to render the charts.




Please make sure you are using the SWF files you have bought to render the charts?




Hope this helps. :(

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Thanks for your response..

actually i deleted all the swf files as well as js files.

how come in intranet its not showing where as in internet its showing...?

in new version is there any option like only one website we can use swf files?



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Guest Rajroop


Could you please use FTP to verify/match the size of the file used for rendering the charts on the internet and the downloaded FusionCharts v3.1 licensed SWF files?

Looking forward to your reply.

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I am not aware of how to find out the file size ..

in my webpage there are multiple charts (4) available

and one more issue is that its throwing conditional compilation is turned off error is coming in java script.

Regarding the license version from the fusion charts team they given the link by accessing the link i am able to download the charts, i dont have any option to download the charts with version

Can you please help me with above issues..

Thanks in advance...



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