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Problems in using Fusion Widgets v3 with Flex 3

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I recently purchased Fusion Widgets V3. Earlier on, I had its trial version installed and it was working perfectly fine. However, this newly purchased licensed version is not working. I tried using it but it says "Error in loading data".




If i use the same thing with the trial version, it works.




Urgent help required please.







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Guest Rajroop


If you get a "Error in Loading Data" message in your chart, it means that FusionCharts could not find XML data at the specified URL. In that case, check the following:

1. Check if you've actually provided dataURL or dataXML. If you do not provide either, FusionCharts looks for a defaultData.xml file in the same path. However, if that is also not found, it shows the "Error in Loading Data" error.


2. If you're using dataURL method, paste this URL in your browser to check if it's returning a valid XML. Make sure there are no scripting or time-out errors and a valid XML is being returned. Also make sure that the XML isn't intermingled with HTML content. The data provider page should return clean XML only - not even HTML <head> or <body> tags.


3. Make sure you're passing relative URLs for dataURL, and not absolute URLs. To restrict cross site security attacks, FusionCharts doesn't allow colons in dataURL (starting v3.0.5). So you cannot specify dataURL ashttp://.../path/file.ext any more.


4. If you've to pass parameters to your dataURL data provider page from FusionCharts, make sure they're URLEncoded in the dataURL, when providing to FusionCharts. e.g., if your dataURL needs to be Data.asp?id=43&subId=454, you'll need to URL Encode it so that it becomes Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D43%26subId%3D454. Only then FusionCharts will invoke the URL with proper parameters appended to it.


5. When using dataURL method, make sure that the SWF File and data provider page are on the same sub-domain. Due to Flash's sandbox security model, it cannot access data from external domains, unless otherwise configured.

I hope this helps. :)

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I tried working on your suggestion but couldn't solve the problem. Can't run it in even a test program. Just to make sure I am on the right track, im pasting the code below so that you can have a better idea of where the problem is.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> [bindable]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> private var xd:String = "<Chart bgColor='AEC0CA,FFFFFF' fillAngle='45' upperLimit='2500000' lowerLimit='1600000' majorTMNumber='10' majorTMHeight='8' showGaugeBorder='0' gaugeOuterRadius='98' gaugeOriginX='205' gaugeOriginY='206' gaugeInnerRadius='2' formatNumberScale='1' numberPrefix='$' displayValueDistance='30' decimalPrecision='2' tickMarkDecimalPrecision='1' pivotRadius='17' showPivotBorder='1' pivotBorderColor='000000' pivotBorderThickness='5' pivotFillMix='FFFFFF,000000'><colorRange><color minValue='1600000' maxValue='1930000' code='399E38'/><color minValue='1930000' maxValue='2170000' code='E48739'/><color minValue='2170000' maxValue='2500000' code='B41527'/></colorRange><dials><dial value='2100000' borderAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' baseWidth='28' topWidth='1' radius='130'/></dials><annotations><!-- Draw the background arcs --><annotationGroup xPos='205' yPos='207.5'><annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='2.5' radius='100' startAngle='0' endAngle='180' fillPattern='linear' fillAsGradient='1' fillColor='dddddd,666666' fillAlpha='100,100' fillRatio='50,50' fillDegree='0' showBorder='1' borderColor='444444' borderThickness='2'/><annotation type='circle' xPos='0' yPos='0' radius='105' startAngle='0' endAngle='180' fillPattern='linear' fillAsGradient='1' fillColor='666666,ffffff' fillAlpha='100,100' fillRatio='50,50' fillDegree='0' /></annotationGroup></annotations></Chart>";</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>













Reply Soon!!

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Guest Rajroop


Could you please attach your code to your reply.

I'm afraid this forum has a bit of trouble in displaying codes properly. I apologize for the inconvinience.

Looking forward to your reply.

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Whats the latest? Did you have a look at the code that I sent you? The support of the product is of 15 days only (as it says) and I believe solving just this problem would take 15 days.




Do reply soon.







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Guest Rajroop

Hello Shehryar,

FusionWidgets v3 in AVM1 whereas Flex works in AVM2. Thereby, it is not possible to use FusionWidgets with your Flex applications.

Could you please consider using our FusionCharts for Flex suite , which is made exclusively for Flex?

I hope this helps. :)

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That is very surprising. The only reason for buying Fusion Widgets v3 was that its trial version (downloaded from your official website) was working absolutely fine with our Flex application. Now you are saying that they are not compatible. Don't you think it should have been the other way around??? The trial version should not have worked and original should have???




What do we do with the license now?? it is useless for us. Can you please explain what is going on and how can I be saved from this loss of time and money?









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I sincerely apologize for a little miscommunication happened here.

We have an individual core product built in Flash 8 (Action Script 2) called FusionWidgets. This does not work in AS3 (i.e. Flex)

But, so that you can use charts and gauges (widgets) from FusionCharts/FusionWigets core packs in Flex, we have developed a solution called FusionCharts for Flex. This solution allows you to implementation amny of the gauges and charts (widgets) from FusionWidgets pack.

The code that you have sent shows that you must be using FusionCharts for Flex.(which contains FusionWidgets too)

So, the licensed version would work too.

The "Error in Loading Data"  might be some other issues which we would heatily like to look at and find you a solution as soon as possible.

So, could you please freshly send us the code where you are getting this error and help us resolve the issue soon as possible and get your release as soon as possible.

Please also make sure you have the latest version.

Apologies again.

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It will be unfair with us if we pay for mis-communication that was done from your side. We have already paid USD 199 for the license which does not work (as communicated through its trial version). By sending you the code, only your problem will be solved, not ours. But fortunately I do have a workable solution.




You said that Fusion Charts for Flex has the charts and widgets for which we purchased Fusion Widgets. I have seen on your website that FusionCharts for Flex's license is for USD 299. Since we have already paid USD199 for the Widgets license, we can pay additional USD 100 and the rest of the amount can be adjusted from the Widgets license so that we get a fresh license for FusionCharts for Flex.




What is your take on that?

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Guest Rajroop

Hello Shehryar,

You took the words right out of our mouth. :)

We can agree to swapping of license from FusionWidgets to FusionCharts for Flex.

You would need to pay US$ 100 at following link:[300017675]=100

You would need to sign and send to us attached LoD.

Could you please create a new ticket at and send the signed LoD and also quote Shareit order ref. for payment of US$ 100.

You could also fax us at: +913340083391

I hope this helps. :)

Electronic Software Product Letter of Destruction.doc

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Ok so now I took your word for it and have made the additional US$100 payment. The Order Ref# is 294327545. I have also signed the LOD. Both of these documents are attached to this post for your reference. Furthermore, an additional ticket [TICKET 1D: 11529] has also been submitted.




Now could you please hurry up and send us the license for Fusion Charts for Flex so that we resume our work smoothly.




Thanks a lot for your help and support.







Payment Confirmation- Fusion Charts - Custom Payment.pdf

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