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Guest Rajroop

Reducing number of dots on graf

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I have problem with to many significant numbers shown on graph. I am wondering can it be somehow to set graph to show only fix number of dots.
 I what I want to get and this is what I have




Can this be only done trough c# or is there some setting that allows me for example to show every 5 or 10 value




Or for example I want to have only 30 dots on graph

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Guest Rajroop

Hello Gajotres,

Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum. :)

Yes, there is a solution for this. You could set alpha='0' in the <set> element that you don't wish to show the anchors for. By doing this, basically, what you'll be achieving is to show the anchors, for example, 30 in number and the rest, on which you are to apply the alpha attribute, will be invisible.

I hope this helps. :)

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