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Displaying second chart in Drill-Down Charts

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I am trying to display a second chart in my project by following the "Creating Drill-Down Charts"

I am confused on where to put the other chart i want to show, as in what folder do I put it in and what do I put in with the .html.

In the tutorial it only shows linking to a .htm page with text on it and not linking to a chart :)

Please help


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Welcome to the forum! :)

I just made a drill down sample for your reference. Please find it attached.

Here are the basic pointers:

1) Keep all SWFs in one folder (Charts in my example)

2) Keep all XMLs in one folder (Data in my example)

3) Keep the JavaScript file in one folder (JSClass in my example)

4) Put the HTML wherever you like (I kept in in a folder named HTML)

5) In the HTML make separate DIVs for every chart with their unique DIV IDs. Place the DIVs however you like. I have put each of them inside a table division under a common table row.

6) Now instantiate the main chart (a column3D chart in my example) in the BODY of the HTML. This will load when the page loads.

7) Now declare a function [renderPie() in my example]that will instantiate the drilldown chart.

8) Now in the XML for the Column3D chart include the javaScript function links inside the <set> element. The syntax for doing this is explained here (

<set label='Jan' value='462' link="j-renderPie" />


Hope this helps. :)

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