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Charts loading

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Hi all,




I'm dealing with a little-big problem. I'm including a Multi-series line chart in one particular page of a web site. The problem is that when you follow the link that lead to the page including the chart that page does not load at all until the chart is ready to display completely(this ay take a few seconds). This effect is quite annoying as you can suppose. How can avoid this?




I am using the Javascript way to render the chart:




1) new FusionCharts...


2) setDataURL...


3) render...




Also happens with setDataXML instead of setDataURL. Everything else is fine with the chart except this problem.




Your help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.





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Hi there,




I'm afraid that using window.onload does not solve the problem. It still takes near 10 seconds the page to load. So annoying. Maybe due to something else not related with FusionCharts?? Really don't know. It does not seem to be so but...




Thanks anyway. If you have any other idea would be great. I go on searching.





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