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FusionCharts Support

"save as image" not available with upgrade to Version 3.1

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I set up the "save as image" option in the context menu in version 3.0 using the imageSave="1" and imageSaveURL="FusionChartsSave.aspx" attributes.


After upgrading to version 3.1, the "save as image" option has gone away and i see 3 options "save as jpeg", "save as png" and "save as pdf" instead.


On clicking one of these, the saving status bar comes on, and i get an error message saying "Image width and height not provided."




Why has this functionality changed in version 3.1, and how can i revert back to the previous mode.




Please let me know.







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Since 3.1 we have upgraded the save as image into an advanced feature called export.




You can still achieve what you had been achieving earlier.




All you need to do is to point the image save url to the new export handler file instead of FusionChartsSave . The export handler is provided in 3.1 or later peaks.

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thanks for the reply.


I see that the save image has been changed to exporting to image and pdf.


But when i have a single series chart, the context menu has the save as jpeg, png and pdf options, but when its a multi series chart, it reverts back to the single menu item of "save as image", it is not being consistent across different kind of charts.


Is there a setting i might be missing with version 3.1 ?


Please let me know.










p.s. On clicking the single "save as image" context menu item in the multiseries chart i get the following error -












statusMessage=Insufficient data.



Edited by Guest

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The export feature is consistant in all charts.

First of all, please check whether you are using the 3.1.1 Multiseries charts by settin the debugMode on.

Please compare and contrast the XML attributes that you are providing for all the charts. You can always emulate the "Save as Image" context menu using exportFormats attribute.

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