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Is it possible to reduce the with of a bar ?

I am using StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf and so far there are about twevle data points. I would like to reduce the width of each bar so that there is some whitespace between each bar, to make it more readable.

How can this be done ?

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Guest Madhumita





Could you please try using the attribute plotSpacePercent in the chart element?




On a column chart, there is spacing defined between two columns. By default, the spacing is set to 20% of canvas width. If you intend to increase or decrease the spacing between columns, you can do so using this attribute. For example, if you wanted all columns to stick to each other without any space in between, you can set plotSpacePercent to 0. Similarly, if you want very thin columns, you can set plotSpacePercent to its max value of 80.




Hope this helps. :P

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I have this in my chart tag

<cfset strXML = "<chart plotSpacePercent='80' baseFontSize='12' .... and it did not change the width of each bar, they are still the same.

What am I doing wrong ?

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Guest Madhumita


I am attaching images of charts with different values of plotSpacePercent.

If this does not work out, please so attach you XML, so that we can resolve the issue as soon as possible. :P

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I looked at the zip files and there are spaces between the bars, which is what I am looking for.

This is what I have in the chart tag :

<chart plotSpacePercent='80' baseFontSize='12' ....

I tried different values for plotSpacePercent and none seem to work. Is this correct and is it in the right place ?

Also, can you display the code for the zip files so I can see what I am doing wrong ?

Also, how do I post my code ? copy and paste does not seem to work.

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Guest Madhumita


The plotSpacePercent attribute is to be set in the chart element.

I am attaching all the sample XMLs explaining the plotSpacePercent property. 

Hope this helps. :P

plot space

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I am using coldfusion and this is what I have for the chart tag/element :

<cfset strXML = "<chart plotGradientColor='' plotSpacePercent='70' baseFontSize='10' PYAxisName='Number of Lots' PYAxisMaxValue='500' SYAxisName='Days' SYAxisMaxValue='200' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1'>">

This is my output :

<cfoutput>#renderChart("http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME#/Fusion/Charts/StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf", "", strXML, "chartID", 760, 600, false, false)#</cfoutput>

The chart plots fine and everything works, except for the plotSpacePercent. The bars are still close togehter.

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Guest Madhumita


Could you please send us the generated XML so that we can solve it as soon as possible?

Awaiting your reply.

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I have the same problem with StackedColumn3DLineDY. plotSpacePercent attribute do not work. Can you help us?

Sample xml;











decimals='5' divLineIsDashed='1'







PYAxisName='Faiz Orani'


SYAXisName='Faiz Orani'









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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

The attribute "plotSpacePercent" depends on the width of the chart.

In case the dataplot does not get enough space to expand, the display will not be differentiable.

Please try increasing the width of the chart for the same.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal



Could you please send us the sample code(HTML and XML) that you are using to render the chart, as an attachment?


Awaiting your reply.

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